Tips for Improving Swimming Pool Hygiene and Safety

Swimming pools are fun and enjoyable to cool off during the summer, but practicing good hygiene and safety is essential. Poor pool hygiene can lead to illnesses, infections, and even injuries. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the pool, follow these 11 tips for better swimming pool hygiene and safety.

  1. Use chlorine regularly to maintain a clean and safe pool environment.
  2. Shower before entering the pool.
  3. Wear tight-fitting swimsuits or protective swimwear.
  4. Avoid urinating or defecating in the pool.
  5. Place no-diving signs around the pool area and practice safe diving techniques.
  6. Follow all lifeguard rules and regulations.
  7. Keep hair away from swimming areas.
  8. Practice proper hygiene, such as washing hands and face after swimming.
  9. Inspect the pool and equipment for any rips, tears, or loose screws before and after each use.
  10. Check the pH levels of the pool water at least twice a day.
  11. Wear a life jacket when necessary for safety.


  • Chlorine maintains a clean pool – Chlorine helps to kill bacteria and keep the pool water clean, safe, and hygienic. This should be done as part of a regular maintenance routine. To apply chlorine, use a liquid or powder to directly add it to the pool water every one to three days. It is important to check the pool’s chlorine levels to ensure they are between 1-3 ppm.
  • Shower before swimming – This helps to reduce the amount of dirt, sweat, and oils that can get into the pool water and contaminate it. Showering also minimizes the chance of infection or illness from the pool water.
  • Wear protective swimwear – This helps to protect athletes from any sharp edges or objects in the pool. It also helps protect the pool water from sweat, oils, and other potential contaminants.
  • Use Restrooms – This is unsanitary and can also introduce potential contaminants into the pool that can cause illness if ingested by other swimmers.
  • Use no-diving signs around pools – This can help to avoid potentially serious injuries. Always use proper form when diving to prevent injuries and ensure the dive is done safely.
  • Obey lifeguards – Lifeguards are there to ensure the safety of all swimmers, so it is essential to follow their rules and listen to their instructions.
  • Avoid Pet hair contamination- Hair can carry potential contaminants from the air and body that can taint the pool water. Therefore, keeping hair away from the pool area is essential.
  • Wash thoroughly after swimming – This can help to reduce the risk of getting an infection or illness from the pool water. It is crucial to wash your hands and face after swimming to remove any bacteria or contaminants that may have been introduced while swimming.
  • Pool Safety Inspections – This can help avoid potential injuries from using defective equipment. Inspecting the pool and equipment regularly is crucial to ensure everything is in good condition.
  • Verify Pool pH daily – Proper pH levels are required for the safety and comfort of swimmers. The pH levels for swimming pools should be kept between 7.2-7.8.
  • Wear safety equipment – This is especially important for young children who may need to be stronger swimmers. Wearing a life jacket can help prevent potential drowning accidents.